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61 days*
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37 days*
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Where past meets present: Indigenous vaccine hesitancy in Saskatchewan
I'm not hep C free': afterlives of hepatitis C in the era of cure
Solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a nine-country interview study in Europe
Turning good intentions into good outcomes: ethical dilemmas at a student-run clinic and a rubric for reflective action
How and why to use vulnerability': an interdisciplinary analysis of disease risk, indeterminacy and normality
Does medical humanities matter? The challenge of COVID-19
What makes a 'good doctor'? A critical discourse analysis of perspectives from medical students with lived experience as patients
Integrating person-centred care and social justice: a model for practice with larger-bodied patients
Federal field nurses and Indigenous births
Smoothies, bone broth, and fitspo: the historicity of TikTok postpartum bounce-back culture
Neurodiversity and disability: what is at stake?
What can art history offer medical humanities?
Creative forms: booklets by the hospital senses collective
The language of vaccination campaigns during COVID-19
Narrative-based learning for person-centred healthcare: the Caring Stories learning framework
Health sciences training for disability inclusion: the need to engage with emotion
Exploring cultural imaginaries of robots with children with brittle bone disease: a participatory design study
Disability, digital technologies and the ambivalent allure of posthumanist/transhumanist futures
Dating apps as health allies? Examining the opportunities and challenges of dating apps as partners in public health
Eugenics and genetic screening in television medical dramas